A Scientific Guide for Technology Exploration
A Neuroscientific way to find your PASSION.
Even before describing the guide, I had a question in my mind regarding how well I'm qualified to write such a kind of article about jargony terms like neuroscience, Passion and Technology exploration.
About me
Here are some of my works & links to them, which makes me feel that I'm well qualified for this job.
Explored Neuroscience & Epigenetics and its intersection with the Quantum theory using the book called "BREAKING THE HABIT OF BEING YOURSELF"
Written a white paper on a Plant oxygen device for Covid-19 convalescing patients - [link here]
Built 2 Hexcopters, 1 Octacopter & 1 quadcopter Drones - [link here]
Have an in-depth understanding of Blockchain technology specifically in Bitcoin & Ethereum - [link here]
Built a Project on the intersection of Cyber Security and Machine learning - [link here]
Done Space science Research associated with ORBITX INDIA AEROSPACE - [link here]
Won a Blockchain hackathon i.e. INTERNATIONAL BLOCKCHAIN CONGRESS ALT HACK - HACK FEST - [link here]
Doing machine learning based Research on Crack detection in Composite Structures
Doing Deep learning Research on Accurate Depression estimation using Multi-modal Deep learning models
Successfully cracked round 2 of Summer of Bitcoin.
If you're a person who wants to build something great in some technological field and put efforts towards building that, then chances are high that you'll be frustrated through your journey and finally QUIT one day, which makes your entire efforts nothing but a waste of time.
So here's a neuroscientific way of Building something great with ease and joy in any chosen field.
1.Warren Buffet's way
Note: if you've already found your technology field that you want to build on / areas of interest, skip this step
Write a list of 25 things that fascinates you the most on a paper.
Now filter out 5 things based on Pareto's principle.
And start exploring them until you condense them into 1 single interest.
2. Explore
Explore that technology every day consistently by dedicating at least 20 - 60 minutes for at least 1 Month.
Why? Because your Brain is a Pattern machine. Whenever you feed yourself something new, Your brain starts making a neural pattern about that input at a specified location in your brain.
And this neural pattern should be fired every now and then to make it stronger. When that neural pattern becomes strong enough and well connected, that's when you feel enjoyed doing that work.
3.What to explore in it?
Watching related movies & documentaries is the best way to start with.
Videos about the latest innovations in that technology
Read some "easy to understand" articles about the latest innovations
Listen to Podcasts about that field.
Attend conferences/meetups in that field.
make connections with your like-minded people
Explain those learnings to your peers.
Note: Whenever you're reading/watching feel the "feel good emotions" like fascination, curiosity & joy, if you don't even get it just fake it by saying "It's interesting" and feel the emotion.
This will train your neural pattern with that emotion and guess what Your brain will have the thirst to know about it next time, because of the release of Dopamine in your brain.
Continue this methodology for the entire process, because this is the heart of the entire process. And in the due time, you'll gradually get obsessed with exploring more of it.
4.Finding Area of Research/interest in the field.
Now that you have a sufficient high-level understanding of your technical field, Start ideating with your knowledge
Use Warren Buffet's way again, write down some 25 ideas which your feel fascinated about on a paper, it doesn't matter how stupid it is, just write the down on a paper.
Do not forget the Element of your fascination with the idea.
Now compress them to 3 - 5 ideas by finding the Intersections between the ideas.
Remember to COMPRESS them But don't ELIMINATE them
These 3 - 5 ideas are the most intriguing ideas you'll ever have, and truly speaking you'll never even think of quitting them under any circumstances because they'll be the things that will trigger you to wake up from bed every single day.
5.Deep Dive
Now you've found out those 3 - 5 ideas, start Researching it by reading research papers similar to those ideas.
Go to google scholar & read a good number of research papers similar to them.
Find the latest, optimal & innovative research paper.
Start reverse engineering its architecture.
And take a challenge to optimize it.
Following this will definitely make you a professional in the field you've chosen. and you'll definitely make great things as you're obsessed and loving towards doing it.